Upcoming events

  • We have some fantastic events coming up, but no confirmed dates yet - watch this space.
  • 05 Dec 2022 7:53 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    DJ Stipsen NZCS and Aline Tran (top row, centre) with the 'Stonehenge' Camera crew 

    November has seen our Gender Diversity Program wrap up three DP internships for women on “Our Flag means Death” (Vanessa Vandy) and “Stonehenge” (Pikihuia Haenga-Little and Aline Tran). All have reported having a most valuable experience and we thank the NZFC, producers and cinematographers involved for their support of this program.

    “The value of the placement is incredible. It's very rare for a DOP to be able to observe another DOP but I learned in a few weeks what could have taken me years of personal experimentation. I think this scheme is a great way to upskill mid-career female cinematographers so we see more of them taking the role on a production the size of Stonehenge” -  Aline Tran

    Auckland was host to a 2ndAC Master class on Nov 5thrun by Michael Paletta at Panavision. 12 applicants were accepted onto the course and gained an insight into the professional attitude and approach expected to succeed in this role.

    “I can't thank the NZCS enough for putting together the brilliant workshop. Thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt heaps. There was ample time to learn, get hands-on and ask any questions I had. It was also great meeting other filmmakers and networking” – Mike Kim

    Reaching Out to Film Schools – Murray Milne NZCS and 1st AC Michael Paletta recently visited South Seas/Youbee film school in Auckland to deliver a presentation to graduating students – this is the beginning of the NZCS reaching out to cinematography students to share our knowledge about pathways into the industry.

  • 17 Oct 2022 2:15 PM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    The NZCS is pleased to announce an intensive one-day Trainee and 2nd Assistant camera Masterclass in Auckland on Saturday, 5th November

    Michael has designed an introductory course to the Trainee and 2nd AC role, that he wishes had been available when he first started his career. This will be the third AC workshop Michael has tutored for the NZCS.

    The agenda will include:

    · networking

    · set étiquette

    · over-view of Camera Dept positions and responsibilities

    · teamwork basics

    · AC kit run-down

    · rental house liason

    · practical demonstrations of equipment and usage

    · prepping/building a camera kit

    · testing and working with cine lenses

    · role of the 2nd AC

    · gear management demos

    · marking actors

    The NZCS has identified that there is a current skill shortage of trainees and experienced 2nd AC’s ready to step into roles on high pressure film sets. This course is aimed at those film school graduates and camera trainees moving into the 2nd AC role, who want to fine-tune their professional attitude, learn tips and tricks and gain the confidence to step up to the plate on a fast moving set.

    While it takes a lot longer than a one-day course to hone these skills, the hope is that attendees with a strong desire to do well in this field will become inspired by the course and will be encouraged to seek further experience, other learning opportunities and mentorships with obliging DPs.

    The event will be held at a camera rental house and experienced AC’s will be on hand to supervise building cameras during practical sessions, and to add their perspective to the proceedings.

    We are looking for attendees whose goal is to work as 2nd Assistant Camera on various levels of productions before moving up the ranks. If you are a camera operator wanting to learn more about working with an AC, then this is probably not the course for you.

    The workshop will be restricted to 12 attendees only, so that numbers are manageable, and everyone gets quality hands-on time with the gear.

    Potential applicants will need to send a short e-mail with a CV and contact details listing their current experience, and a brief one-page summary of why they feel this course will benefit their career progression and what they hope to achieve from it.

    Please email pd@nzcine.com by 5.00pm Monday 24th October if you wish to be considered for a place on the course, and we will confirm positions by 5.00pm Wednesday 26th October and provide registration details to those who are accepted.

    This one-day master class costs:
    $75 for NZCS members, and $125 for non-members

    Note: You can join the NZCS as student or associate member by going to our website here.

    Lunch and short breaks will be provided. Details of venue upon registration.

  • 21 Sep 2022 6:47 PM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    *Deadline for Applications extended to 5.00pm, Sunday 25thSeptember  

    The NZCS is pleased to announce we have negotiated two mid-career cinematographer intern placements on an international TV series based in Wellington, under our Cushla Lewis Gender Diversity Program, part-sponsored by the NZ Film Commission Screen Capability Fund and the local production company.

    The Attachments provide the opportunity to shadow the Director of Photography on set and experience advanced aspects of the craft including pre-production meetings and recces.

    These will be paid Attachments for a maximum duration of 15 days each.

    • The 1st three week placement will commence in Wellington with a prep week on 10th October 2022 and two shoot weeks, which will finish 29th October
    • The 2nd three week placement will commence on 24th October 2022 with a prep week and two shoot weeks until 11th November, 2022,

    The placements are intended for Wellington locals or candidates who can relocate themselves and self-accommodate. The selected candidates will be issued a standard contract by the Production Company and will join the payroll, per other contractors.

    The aim of the Attachment:

    Following the rigours of a tough 12 month production period owing to Covid 19 restrictions, the program aims to provide an opportunity for a female mid-career cinematographer to increase their confidence and up-skill in their ability to produce high quality television drama cinematography. This program aims to provide another training pathway to the limited opportunities currently available. This is not a creative input role, but will be a mentored position, closely shadowing the DP and key technicians at work, observing pre-production and the creative decision making process on set.

    Note:  Under the Cushla Lewis Gender Diversity Program, this particular opportunity is limited to NZ Citizens who are female or identify as female, as the NZCS remains committed to a mandate to grow and diversify the pool of emerging cinematographers in New Zealand. We especially encourage those women from minority ethnic backgrounds to apply as well.

    To be eligible, applicants must:

    Have industry experience in this chosen field and be prepared to join the NZCS as an associate member if chosen for the placement

    Have a track record of working as an up-and-coming cinematographer on short films, music videos, web series, or other genres. The applicant may not necessarily have an exclusive career as a Director of Photography.

    Hold New Zealand Citizenship - * New requirement under NZFC guidelines

    To apply:

    Please submit the following in electronic form only (Word files or PDF) by 5.00pm,  Sunday 25th September, 2022 to: pd@nzcine.com with “Gender Diversity - Cinematographer Attachment, Wellington” in the subject line:

    A full CV, including your normal place of residence, ethnicity, and  citizenship, and a Filmography including links to a showreel or selection of completed works.

    A short written reference (from a senior screen industry practitioner or tutor)

    A proposal (maximum of 1-page) outlining why you want to do the Attachment and what you look to achieve from the opportunity.

    Please state if you would be available for either placement block, or if you have a preference for the 1st or 2nd dates as above.

    A shortlist will be developed from applications and an interview (in person or virtual) may be required, at which time further details of the production itself will be provided.

    We will attempt to inform applicants of a decision by Wed, Sept 28th, 2022.

  • 03 Aug 2022 9:45 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    A month ago, I was honoured to represent the NZCS at the two-yearly International Cinematography Summit held in Los Angeles, and hosted by the ASC at the legendary clubhouse in Hollywood.

    Around 40 cinematography society delegates from 28 countries attended the 5 day conference, which featured in-house presentations and site visits to various studios and facilities in the LA region.

    The sessions began with a personal introduction to our societies and their objectives, and the presentation of a 3 min showreel of our outstanding cinematographer’s work. The NZ reel was chosen from 'NZCS Awards 2021' winner's clips.

    Some of the highlights of the week’s activities were the following:

    •  DP Karl Walter Lindelaub ASC, BVK talks about his work on tv series HALO

    • Screening of blind test of 32 prime lenses shot by Denis Lenoir AFC, ASC, ASK in a beautifully designed real world comparative test.  We each made quick notes on our impressions of each lenses, and then all brands were revealed at the end, with some real surprises.

    • Visit to XR studios virtual reality studio, where current technology allows multiple cameras to shoot different angles with overlapping frustums as each camera is operating at a different frequency. Very impressive, but an expensive set-up at around $US70-100,000 per day hire rate.

    • Tour of the Netflix Innovation Center where we met the team who test and decide which cameras are eligible to get the Netflix seal of approval (original Arri Alexa 2K not included!)

    • A virtual production masterclass at Sony with Sam Nicholson ASC who demonstrated a very hi-res 1.2 pixel pitch CLED wall and showed images of his Vis FX supervision work on Our Flag Means Death- S1.

    • Cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel, ASC, AFC and his colourist Peter Doyle discussing their recent work with Joel Coen on The Tragedy of Macbeth in glorious monochrome.

    • Armando Salas ASC, presenting his on-set HDR workflow for streaming series like Ozark and Griselda and demystifying the process to put control firmly in the cinematographers hands.

    • Virtual conversation with DP Drew Daniels discussing his stellar work on current tv series Outer Range.

    The technical sessions were of great value, but my real take-away from the week was meeting the delegates from all the different countries and discussing how our societies operated, and what our priorities were and making some true friends. There was much interest in our Gender Diversity program in NZ, as only the USA and Australia seem to be active in promoting inclusion to this degree. Another highlight of my week was chatting with various ASC members who dropped by during the week for different sessions and were keen to hear more about our NZ situation.

    All in all, I’d highly recommend that the NZCS continues to attend the ICS in future years as its great to keep our profile up in this international sphere, as well as our IMAGO involvement in Europe.

    ~ Donny Duncan NZCS

  • 03 Aug 2022 9:35 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    Photo: Donny Duncan NZCS

    Our NZCS Professional Development Manager, Donny Duncan NZCS, recently ran a Camera Skills for Drama Workshop in Tauranga, at the invitation of Film Bay of Plenty.

    The venue was the the Incubator Creative Hub at the Village Cinema community venue which was the perfect size for two  day-long workshops of around 20 people each. The course was pitched at cam assistants wanting to take the next step, camera ops wanting to extend their creative pallete, and writers, producers and directors wanting to know more about their relationship with the cinematographer and to gain some technical insights.

    Subjects covered in the full-day session included: breaking down a script, tools to set a creative style, pre-prod and location recces, working with a 1st AD, and the building blocks of professionalism – reliability, integrity and passion.

    The practical part of the course included setting up an Arri Amira kit , analysing the effect of various focal length lenses, and a demo of a variety of lighting units, including new technologies like full colour spectrum programable LED units.

    Further discussion was held on why we move the camera, and how we move the camera, operator tricks of the trade, lighting approaches, useful apps, VSFX basics and the art of “cheating”.

    The session finished with a look at new technologies like Virtual Studio Production.

    Thanks to Jade and Tracey at Film BoP, Unitec Screen Arts for providing the camera kit and Professional Lighting Services for sponsoring a lighting demo package.

    The NZCS is keen to extend professional development courses into the regions and this trip to Tauranga and our recent Masterclass in Christchurch have both been received with great feedback from participants, so with help from sponsors we will program more of these into the agenda this year.   

    ~ The NZCS Professional Development team

  • 01 Aug 2022 9:47 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    All photos taken by Producer / Photographer Julie Gursha

    Christchurch was treated to a masterclass in early July catering to a range of experience levels, some in the early stages while others already deep into their careers. Taught by the legendary New Zealand cinematographer Alun Bollinger NZCS, or more affectionately known as AlBol.

    The day began with a discussion on filming techniques from the Peter Jackson classic “Heavenly Creatures” where AlBol talked through an assortment of problems and the various creative ways of solving them. One such technique involved attaching a bungee cord to the ceiling to allow for long handheld takes and whip-pans, pre-dating the introduction of the easyrig.

    We then moved into a more practical exercise of basic 3 point light before quickly “destroying” the technique and finding alternative ways of basic lighting set-ups. AlBol opened the floor to discuss any problems people have come across such as reflections in glasses, and the group worked to find fast, practical solutions.

    At the lunch break the group headed around the corner to the local cafe for lunch, before setting up a scene within the same cafe. There was a discussion on blocking, where AlBol walked through the scene with the talent and talked about which angles he’d shoot at and why. Local gaffer Zac Beckett-Knight was on hand to demonstrate the DP-Gaffer relationship and worked quickly with his team to get through the multiple setups of the afternoon session.

    The informal nature of the afternoon allowed for a peppering of questions throughout the session. Something attendee Jem Anderson-Gardener described as a “highly beneficial and a great opportunity.” Anderson-Gardener was one of the ten successful applicants and said while a number of concepts were familiar to him, it was refreshing to explore them through the eyes and experiences of someone so seasoned. “As a young DP, it was really inspiring to hear Al talk about his considerable experience, and to watch the way he worked with the cast and crew during the practical stage.”

    Michael Paletta was on hand as 1st AC and was supported by NZCS members Madison Ryan and Charlotte Panoho, who brushed up on the skills they’d picked up from the previous NZCS 1st AC masterclass.

    The day concluded with a discussion on career options and overcoming obstacles faced by many emerging cinematographers. 

    This masterclass was made possible from help from Brett Mills at Queenstown Camera Company (supplying the ARRI camera gear) and Screen Canterbury for their sponsorship.

    ~ John Ross, Cinematographer

  • 29 Jul 2022 9:45 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    On a blustery July evening, a group of members joined an enthusiastic panel to discuss work-life balance. Generously hosted by Panavision, and a big thank you to Wes for hanging out for us, the panel included Ainsley Calderwood, Nina Wells, John Toon, Jo Raj and was moderated by Mark Minors.

    The discussion was a great success, but perhaps just the start of what’s needed. Our panel were all keen and passionate about the topic with members of the audience chipping in with their own thoughts and ideas. Discussing things like 4-day weeks, 8-hour days and rolling lunches there was agreement amongst all that improvements in whatever form could be made to help improve the balance. 

    What was clear was that Covid lockdowns have forced us all to slow down and evaluate our own situations. Ultimately this is an industry of passion and we should all assess our own values to decide where we draw that line between work and our personal lives, it’s not easy to do. Mental health is as important as ever and maintaining a healthy and happy pool of crew is crucial to a functional and successful industry.

    As is always the case we could have gone on for ages and the surface was barely scratched. The important take away was to firstly to be aware of the issue and then encourage discussion amongst our peers. Talk about these ideas, push to try them out, and give feedback. It’ll be a long road to improvement but we can start by having more discussions like this, talking to one another and being more aware of our own work-life balance. 

    We were able to record the audio of this discussion and aim to publish it as a podcast in the coming weeks, stay tuned! Finally a big thank you to Ainsley, Nina, John and Jo for being a part of this interesting discussion. 

  • 28 Jul 2022 3:30 PM | Donald Duncan NZCS (Administrator)

    NZCS Gender Diversity Program invites female Camera Trainee Intern application for an Auckland-based feature film

    The NZCS Cushla Lewis Gender Diversity Program invites female (or those who identify as female) applicants to apply for a Camera Trainee position on a local feature film, shooting in Auckland from August 16th 2022.

    The Attachment provides the opportunity to work under the guidance of the camera team in a fast-moving shoot, with a hands-on, full-time work role anticipated, revolving around the B cam 2nd AC /Camera Trainee role.

    This will be a paid Attachment of $300 per day base rate, for approx 6 weeks of the 7 week shoot, from Tuesday to Saturday, with two prep days on 11th and 12th of August. Note, there will be approx. 5 unpaid down-days in the schedule where multi-camera is not required,

    The placements are open to female candidates, throughout New Zealand but the successful candidate will have to agree to work ex- Auckland, as no travel or accommodation will be provided. Successful applicants will have to agree to join the NZCS, as an associate member but if anyone has genuine financial hardship as an obstacle to becoming an NZCS member, contact me confidentially, as we may have some sponsorship options available.

    The selected candidate will be issued a standard contract by the Production Company, will join the payroll per other contractors, and will also sign an agreement with the NZCS.

    The aim of the Attachment is:

    To provide an opportunity for a camera trainee to increase their confidence and skill -set through a hands-on role with an experienced drama camera team, and to provide another training pathway to the limited opportunities currently available.

    This is not a creative input role, but as the junior member of the camera team there will be the chance to upskill in professional work practice, technical gear knowledge and observe the creative decision making process in the field.

    This mentorship is made possible with sponsorship from the New Zealand Film Commission and the NZCS. We remain committed to a mandate to grow and diversify the pool of upcoming camera talent in New Zealand, to redress the current gender imbalance, and to encourage young women to pursue a goal of becoming recognised cinematographers.

    To be eligible, applicants must:

    • Be a member of the NZCS, or be prepared to join if successful.
    • Have a track record of working as an up-and-coming camera trainee/camera assist on web series, short films, music videos, or other genres. The applicant may not necessarily yet have a full-time career as a camera assistant/trainee.
    • Provide a current Vaccination Certificate and be prepared to abide by all Covid 19 safety protocols on-set (mask wearing, safe distancing etc)
    • Have a current clean, full Drivers Licence
    • Priority will be given to applicants who meet the criteria, and have not previously received an NZCS placement 


    To apply:

    Please submit the following in electronic form only (Word file or PDF) by 5.00pm, Saturday, 30th Julyto pd@nzcine.com  with “Camera Trainee Attachment” in the subject line:

    • Your NZCS Membership Number (or intention to join if successful)
    • A CV of industry experience, and any tertiary education highlights
    • A written reference (from an experienced screen industry practitioner or tutor)
    • A proposal (maximum of 1-page) outlining why you want to do the Attachment and what you look to achieve from the opportunity.
    • A copy of your Vaccination Certificate and Driver’s licence

    A shortlist will be developed from applicants and an interview (in person, phone or Zoom) may be required, at which time further details of the production itself will be provided.

    We will endeavour to inform applicants of a decision by Tuesday 2nd August 2022


  • 17 Jun 2022 1:57 PM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    The NZCS is delighted to announce an intensive Camera and Lighting for Drama, one-day Masterclass in Christchurch with legendary cinematographer Alun Bollinger NZCS on Sunday 3rd July.

    This masterclass aims to introduce beginning and mid-level DP's to basic and intermediate cinematography techniques in a semi-formal, educational environment. It will consist of two main components: 1) Showing clips of the selected work with an explanation of the creative and technical techniques used, and 2) Practical demonstrations of these techniques in an interior location environment, so the attendees can learn how to execute them. 

    Basic cinematography techniques that will be demonstrated:

     Three-point lighting  
    • Contrast ratios
     Setting exposure (light meter, false colour, waveform)
     Depth of field
     Lens choice and composition

    Intermediate cinematography techniques that will be conveyed:

     Coverage and ensuring set-ups will cut together
    • Eye-lines
    • Quality of Light
     Camera Movement

    Email your application here. Note - this workshop is intended for South Island locals, and a workshop in the North Island will be held soon.

    Course will be limited to 10 participants to guarantee plenty of "hands-on" time. 

    $180 for NZCS members, and $260 for non-members
    Note: You can join the NZCS as a student member for $46 if you qualify (up to one year after graduation)

    Lunch and short breaks will be provided. Details of venue upon acceptance of application. Deadline for applications Thursday 23 June.

    Event kindly sponsored by:  

    Late Knight Productions

  • 21 May 2022 8:15 AM | Amber Wakefield (Administrator)

    Dear friends of ARRI,

    You are invited to be one of the first to experience the new ARRI 4K Super 35 camera. This exclusive event will feature hands-on demonstrations with the new camera, in-depth product presentations, and discussions with our experts.

    Please choose a session that best suits your time.

    Session 1:

    Date: 01 Jun, 2022 (Wednesday) Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM NZST Location: The Capitol Cinema, 610 Dominion Road, Balmoral, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Slots are limited, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. No admission without registration.


    Session 2:

    Date: 01 Jun, 2022 (Wednesday) Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM NZST Location: The Capitol Cinema, 610 Dominion Road, Balmoral, Auckland 1041, New Zealand Slots are limited, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. No admission without registration.


    We look forward to sharing this exciting news with you in person,
    Your ARRI Team

NZCS Major National Sponsor

NZCS Platinum Sponsors

NZCS Gold Sponsors

NZCS Awards Silver Sponsors

NZCS Awards Bronze Sponsors

NZCS Awards additional in-kind sponsors


NZCS other corporate members

Ariel Camera Limited
CR Kennedy NZ Ltd
Halcyon Digital
Rubber Monkey
Gencom Technology
Boxfish Robotics

Prices include GST
© 2008- 2021 New Zealand Cinematographers Society 

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