Assistant Camera 101 - One day Workshop in Christchurch, 7th Nov
The NZCS is pleased to announce an intensive one-day Assistant Camera workshop in Christchurch on Saturday, November 7th. The session will be led by highly experienced career 1st AC, Michael Paletta, who has been resident in NZ since 2017, after learning his craft and working in Los Angeles from 2011 onwards.

Michael has designed an introductory course to the AC profession, that he wishes had been available, when he first started his career.
The agenda will include: Networking, Set Etiquette, Over view of Camera Dept positions and responsibilities, Team work basics, AC Kit run-down, Rental house liason, Practical session on prepping / building a camera kit, Testing and working with cine lenses, Focus pulling techniques and tools available, Role of the 2nd AC, Gear management demos, Practical exercises with blocking, marking actors, pulling focus and reviewing results with the group split into 1st and 2nd AC teams.
This course recognises a need in the local Christchurch industry for dedicated, camera assistants to be available to assist the cinematographers in the region in a professional manner. While it takes a lot longer than a one day course to hone these skills, the hope is that attendees with a strong desire to do well in this field will become inspired by the course and will be encouraged to seek further experience, other learning opportunities and mentorships with obliging DPs.
This workshop is in collaboration with local cinematographer John Ross, is co-sponsored by Screen Canterbury, Queenstown Camera Company, Late Knight Productions and Lightworkx Photography Studio. DPs John Chrisstoffels and Kirk Pflaum will be on hand to operate cameras and add their perspective to the proceedings.
The workshop will be restricted to 15 attendees only, so that numbers are manageable and everyone gets quality hands on time with the gear, so please be in quick if you're interested. No door sales. Entry by prior registration and payment only. Lunch and short breaks will be provided. Details of venue upon registration.

Event kindly co-sponsored by: