Worldwide, studios have been moving to Virtual Production environments. The opportunities are seemingly endless. Post has become pre, pre vis has become immersive, and rerendering is now real time.
One of the big drivers of this tech are the power of gaming engines. Advances in Unreal and Unity engines mean that realistic worlds can be created and adapt them on the fly. This, combined with advances in LED technology, have made it possible to film in a whole new way.
NZVirtual will be showcasing an LED volume driven by Disguise servers and Stype camera tracking. This will be a great opportunity to take a look at how the various parts of an LED volume come together.
There will be demonstrations of a few use cases and playing around with a few different things. Come along, and have some fun poking around in the future!
RSVP required - refreshment and nibbles provided
Free for NZCS members and friends.