Sign up quickly, spaces filling up fast! New Speakers announced.
The NZCS is flying Australian DP Ben Allan ACS CSI over the Tasman to run a Masterclass in collaboration with local colourist James Gardner, on technical guidelines and delivery requirements for HDR acquisition and grading, as currently specified by networks like Netflix, Amazon and the BBC.
If you are shooting on a high-end professional camera system, chances are you are already acquiring HDR capable material, but should you be doing anything differently in the way you capture images? Are you going to get caught out with seeing more highlight or shadow detail than you actually desired? Do you have the latitude to let the practicals burn a little brighter and the shadows go darker?
For an in-depth understanding of the HDR process, join us for a one day Masterclass in Auckland on Saturday, December 7th.
Learn about:
• The 3 different HDR systems and how to work with each.
• On set monitoring options and what they mean.
• How bright can you go? • How dark can you go?
• How to communicate with a colourist about HDR.
Ben Allan ACS CSI is the only person to hold full accreditation both as a cinematographer and colourist, and was the youngest ever ACS inductee in 2002. He has lectured extensively around the world on digital capture and optimum delivery.
James Gardner is one of NZ's more experienced colourists in UHD and HDR content, and a partner at the Department of Post - a Dolby Vision accredited post house in Auckland.
We'll begin the session by capturing some test material in a controlled studio environment on an ARRI Alexa XT, under Ben's guidance, to take into the grading session. This test will involve variations of exposure, colour balance, and contrast ratio. During lunch-break, this RAW footage will be ingested at DoP.
After lunch, we'll reconvene in the DoP grading theatre to have an intro to the HDR grading process, review our morning's footage through the HDR pipeline and analyse the advantages and possible pitfalls of this post-process on state-of-the-art HDR monitors. We'll also compare with an SDR grade - usually an additional requirement for delivery - and view the differences between the two via split-screen imagery.
New Guest Speaker announced: We are also very pleased to announce the attendance of a special guest speaker. Maile Daugherty has recently completed a contract as post-production producer on an HDR-delivered Netflix film "The King", in Sydney and will give insights into what she learned from that new experience.
Note: DP Ari Wegner ACS has reluctantly had to pull out at short notice owing to unexpected work commitments.
NZCS members receive a 25% discount
Sign up quickly, as spaces will be limited by the theatre capacity. This masterclass will interest not only DP's, but directors, producers, editors and colourists who are looking towards delivery specs for the future.