Never before have we in NZ seen a new generation of camera equipment land on our shores where we can see it, touch it and pick the brains of the makers and experts themselves. Not just one brand, not just one type, but all together in one place at one time.
You will go hands on with the new FULL FRAME cameras and lenses from ARRI, Sony, RED, Leica, Cooke, Gecko-Cam, Hanse Innotech, P+S Technik, Whitepoint Optics, Tokina, Sigma, and Chemical Wedding.
From 2pm onwards you will have the opportunity to test and compare various cameras and lens set ups. For example you could try a lens on the ARRI LF and then swap it over to the RED Monster or the Sony Venice or try any other combination you can think of.
Then you can discuss what you are seeing with the overseas experts and ask them about their latest technical developments in the world of full frame.
Let Imagezone's gun DIT team transmit your test files directly to you (if you want to do this email Imagezone in advance - admin@imagezone.co.nz).
Register for this event now and and receive a free drink voucher courtesy of NZCS sponsor Imagezone!