It only comes up once a year but it is important to get along to the NZCS AGM. This is when we look at the year, celebrate what we have achieved, see how the money was spent, and what we have coming up this year.
It will be your opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions - or tell us what you liked or didn't like.
The AGM is where we vote in the committee so please nominate a candidate or consider standing yourself.
We'll aim to get the formal proceedings out of the way quickly and have a drink or two, before talking informally about where NZCS should go.
Please come and encourage other members to attend. Registration for this event is optional but it helps us plan if you do register.
Link to AGM Agenda
Link to minutes previous AGM
Link to rules of NZCS
Please note that this year the accreditation presentations, the Turtz Award, and the AL Guilford Award will be included in the NZCS Awards to capture a wider audience including guests and visitors.
The AGM is open to all NZCS members
If you'd like to make a nomination or propose an agenda item please email (Nominations can also be accepted from the floor.)