PHOTO: Selfie taken by Kelly Chen, with international cinematographer Carlos Gonzáles, SVC, during her placement as DP intern on 'Zombies 4: Day & Night’
DP intern, Kelly Chen, has completed her 4 week mentorship with DP Carlos Gonzalez SVC on “Zombie 4: Day and Night” under the Gender Diversity Program and reports an extremely valuable experience where she gained awesome insights into big-scale setups and equipment, which are often hard to come by on low-budget productions.
NZCS is pleased to report that two candidates have been chosen for our intern placements on “Spartacus House of Ashur,” TV series, under our new Diversity and Inclusion program, aimed at those from under-represented communities.
The camera trainee intern role went to Grace Jamieson, who recently graduated from Youbee Colleges, South Seas Film School and who qualifies as a member of the neuro-diverse community. The mid-career, DP intern role was awarded to Ben Marr (Ngai Tūhoe, Ngāti Rangitihi, Te Whānau a Apanui) who is a Rotorua based cinematographer of Maori ethnicity.
The competition for these roles was very intense and Grace and Ben are stoked to be given the opportunity to join the production with the assistance of the NZCS, the NZ Film Commission and Spartacus Productions NZ Ltd, and are both well into the shoot gaining valuable experience.
Another 15 day DP internship on “Spartacus House of Ashur” has gone to Nina Wells, under the Gender Diversity Program, where she will be mentored by DP Andrew McGeorge, commencing late June.
We’ve also awarded an internship to Paris Manning, who has already started as Camera Trainee on the TV series “Red Rocks” in Wellington, under the tutelage of 1st AC Garth Michael.
The most recent of our 2024 internships has gone to Sofi Isaak-Zade, who will take on a hybrid role as 1st AC/2nd Cam operator on 6-part doco series, “Fangirl Revolution” with DP Daniela (Nani) Conforte.
We are currently advertising a DP intern position in Auckland on feature film “Backpack” with DP Jeff Cutter,