WELLINGTON - Friday 13th August
AUCKLAND - Friday 27th August
The ScreenSafe/SWAG Screen Industry Professional Respect Training Project – is back up and running for 2021.
The ScreenSafe/SWAG Professional Respect Training Project was developed to support WORKSAFE's health & safety guidelines around harassment.
The course will address predominately sexual harassment and also includes bullying, harassment, definitions, disclosures, and respectful behaviours in the workplace. Be a part of this screen sector culture change and help make the sector a safe environment for everyone.
The initiative designed and implemented by ScreenSafe and SWAG, and with the financial support from NZ Film Commission, NZ on Air and Te Māngai Pāho.
ScreenSafe and SWAG encourage everyone in a position of responsibility to upskill accordingly.
To secure your seat, please email the details below to workshops@screenguild.co.nz
Date and town of workshop:
Company (if relevant):
Preferred role title:
Mobile number:
Dietary requirements:
Numbers for each workshop are limited to 24, so book your space now.
Time: 8.45am arrival for a 9am start – 5pm
Note: This workshop focuses on sexual harassment prevention within the Screen Industry. If you would like to talk with someone about the content of the training and the safety of participants during the workshop, please contact Kelly Lucas at ScreenSafe (info@screenguild.co.nz ) or our independent Sexual Harm Prevention Specialist and Workshop Facilitator Rachel Harrison (rachelharrison103@gmail.com).